Tuesday, October 22, 2019


UNFAIRNESS essays Its funny how we grew up saying sticks and stones my break my bones but words will never hurt me. Its all too sad because that is not true. It is unfair that people are treated unfairly because of the way they look or how they act or the color of their skin. Race, gender and inequality are major issues in our society. They determine how people are looked at, treated and or discriminated against. In todays day and age, inequality is one of the greatest problems in our society. Inequality is the quality of being unequal or uneven. For example, a man would most likely get a job over a woman and a Caucasian person would most likely get a job over an African American person. For instant, the conflict perspective focuses primarily on the oppression of women by men based on notions of capitalism and property. This mean man most likely has the upper hand in the economic system and the right over woman to have ownership. Most professional positions are held by Caucasian men, this can cause a conflict when you have a highly qualified African American male that is continuously over looked for a promotion that he deserves. In our society, race is an issue that we will always have to deal with. Race is a group of individuals within a biological species able to breed together. Race can also be family, tribe, people or nation of the same stock. Your social status can also be interpreted as race. For example, race have inherited physical characteristics such as, skin color, hair color and texture, facial features, head form, eye color, and height to create broad racial classifications. There are three main racial categories, Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasian. The conflict perspective is that your race can determine where you are allowed to go, where you are allowed to live, what you are allowed to do, and how you are perceived. For example, the minority races have a harder time purchasing a ...

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